Elder Gibbons' Address in the MTC...

Joseph's address: (A three-page letter takes 3 stamps)

Elder Joseph Brian Gibbons
Thailand Bangkok Mission
1645/6 New Petchaburi Road,
Makkasan, Ratchathewi,
Bangkok 10400 Thailand

OR...you can go to "dearelder.com" to create an account and you can write him like you're sending an email. It costs $1.05 to send a letter through "dearelder.com".

Monday, February 17, 2014

LAST Week 108 - Thailand Bangkok Mission - Ending Where I Started

[I will be honest - I am incredibly sad that this will all be over on Friday.  Of course, I am excited to see Joseph and have him back home with us, but there are no words to describe what these past 25 months have meant to me.  I will miss these weekly letters so much.  I just appreciate all of you who have followed his blog the past two years.  I love you all so much and I KNOW how grateful Joseph is for each of you too.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!  Tami]

Dear Family and friends,

Many emotions are competing for my attention right now. Relief. Wonder. Excitement. Sorrow. Exhaustion. Confusion. Peace. It's really quite strange that all these things are coming together right now. It's weird that it's ending. A lot of people say that your 2 years go by so fast and hardly noticed. But that hasn't been the case with me. For me, I feel time has been spent rather well in the service of the Lord.
Eight areas, fourteen companions, two mission presidents, many baptisms, rescues, many friends, seeing my language grow, learning Lao, eating fun stuff, getting fun stuff, donating all sorts of stuff, seeing all sorts of great and marvelous and horrifying and wondrous and miraculous things have filled up this "short" period of almost 25 months to the brim. Yea, even some days, "my cup runneth over" with all the things that have occupied my life here in this blessed land.

I wonder and even fear about things after this place though. I fear no bum squirters. I fear no restaurants on the sides of the street. I fear not being able to say "sabaidii bah [crazy or idiot]?" or "sabaidii mai [How are you doing...are you well]?" depending on my mood. I fear mean farangs [foreigners or guava fruit???]. Of course I want to come back, I just don't know when. But for now, I am very well pleased where the Lord has led me. I know that this is our "foundation" of our lives, but I don't know how - this just IS my life right now. I hope on getting back and not GOING back. But I HAVE made plans to maintain habits and routines when I get back.  One of them has to do with an experience I had when we were weekly planning for my last time. Elder Wilamas and I got through the week and started planning the next. We got through transfers, and then I got to Saturday. I excitedly scribbled down in my planner the following word:
"พระวิหาีร" [temple]

Then at that very moment, a feeling of awe spread over me. I felt time hit me for what it seemed like the first time. The Spirit sunk into my heart. Sunk deeply. Slowly. I was going to the temple again. THAT was when the time flew by for me. I then knew my mission for me will end where it started - in the temple. I opened my call alone up the canyon by the Draper Temple in September of 2011. I was awestruck then as I could hardly believe the words I held in my hands then. Now, I feel that is where my mission will end for me - up the canyon in my accounting to the Lord in His House. I just wanted to share that sacred experience with all of you.
This whole mission has been a sanctifying process, but this transfer has been all the more trying, challenging, and, ultimately, rewarding. I kinda feel like I did after my challenging last year in High School - where some people couldn't wait to get out and others cried when it was over. For me (now this might sound like I've had a little too much "middle-ground" Buddhist philosophy) I feel good and at peace with what I have. "Yes, that was great, and now it's time to go," was my feeling then, and it is so now. I've had more answers to prayers than I can count - including an extension I was too scared to even ask President Smith [his first Mission President] about when I came. 

Now that this extended time comes to an end, I can't just help but feel a deep, ringing sense of gratitude. Arti - the investigator of ours to whom President Senior at District Conference asked "when are you getting baptized?" - WAS just baptized yesterday! He stood and bore one of the most powerful testimonies I'VE ever heard. He started off like a story - finding his way through life until we met him, how he started to read and pray about these things we taught. He so humbly bore witness (probably without really knowing how much he really was) about how he cannot come up with any other conclusion than that the Book of Mormon - and it's espoused church - is true, no matter who or what tries to say otherwise. On a lighter 'note' I got to play viola one last time in church: "We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet" with the branch president, which made many come up after word telling me it was tear-producing (we hardly practiced - so that means it was the Spirit 108%). I also decided on the spot to call up Elder Wilamas to sing "Come Follow Me" as I played a members accordion at my last baptism for Arti. 
HE [Elder Wilamas] is someone I will love, I will miss, and I will always remember. I'm not looking forward to the day when we separate as companions. To be honest, HE is more trunky that I AM about me ending because he won't have me in the mission. PLEASE keep him in your prayers and in your emails if you get the chance: narongrit.wilamas@myldsmail.net.

Again, this mission was more than I have ever imagined it would be when I opened my call and laughed out loud atop the Draper canyons because I couldn't believe I was to serve in the Thailand Bangkok Mission...but it's not over till this Saturday when I make that same ascent ascend to mountain of the Lord.
It's been more than a pleasure serving and more than a pleasure working in this great work that rolls onward, ever onward in the service of our King. 

Thanks again, fans, for tuning in for these two years. But after this don't be a stranger! Come find me and we'll chat about the mission YOU served in being examples of the believers while I was called to be cone here in this beautiful and ancient land. For more details, contact my beautiful mother. ;)
With much love and a thousand thanks for a great two years worth of support, 

Elder Gibbons


Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 107 - Roi-Et "Sacrifice brings forth the blessings from heaven"

[I had to combine two letters to get  even this much...looks like Joseph AND his companion could still use extra prayers for 11 more days...and Elder Wilamas even longer!!]

Family and friends,
This week was pretty crazy and really faith testing.  I asked to have trials at the beginning of this transfer so I could finish off my mission strong. Since then, I have had more problems than ever before.  But as Anna said, everything happens for a reason.  I didn't understand President Senior's allowing us to go to Ubon, which gained me an angry phone call from President. I felt horrible, and on top of that, my companion is struggling with the work. A LOT. I've been at the end of my rope kind of this whole week, but I had a great experience.  Thank you so much for the faith - it's something that is being tested more than ever before on my mission - and perhaps my life.

I'm sorry this letter kind of stinks, but I chose to read my family's emails first and they're closing up the internet cafe soon. Anyway, one day we had problems, I decided to go to work instead of go home. We met a mute / deaf person who showed us to her house - there I met a former investigator from Kalasin who was having some real struggles in her life and didn't know where to turn to. We helped her and she and our deaf investigator both came to church. A real miracle. 

I hope Sister Jit and Arti will be baptized. I hope that these things, and other things that I can't yet foresee, will be taken care of my Father in Heaven. I love you and I can't wait to see you. 

Elder Gibbons

Here is Elder Wilamas' email address in case you'd like to send him a letter sometime: narongrit.wilamas@myldsmail.net.  His mission ends in May, so he may need some extra support even after Joseph is home.  Thanks everyone!! 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 106 - UBON UBON!! Some More Unexpected Miracles

Dear Loved Ones,

This week has been crazy. Filled with adventure, sorrow, love, fate, drama, action, adventure, journey, miracles, and faith.

I love the Lord. He always seems to put me in places better than I can try to put myself. Just sometimes, it takes a long time over some really strange paths to get there. It started of strange right after I left the computer shop on Monday and left my [memory] card in the reader [from his camera] because we rushed off to a great FHE with Amy and Rose and Pres Lerson's house to teach the Plan of Salvation. By the time I remembered, we went back, and  it was gone. I am still praying for the miracle to retrieve the 1000+ pictures I had since last January in Samut Prakaan on my 3rd area, so at that time, it was torture in my soul. "Why did this happen to ME?" I asked myself. But as I turned to the Lord and prayed for the comfort and council from heaven, I studied about Job the following Tuesday morning and feel like I got an answer:

In the story of Job, it recounts that Satan came to Christ and Christ asked if Satan knew how great His servant Job was. Satan responded something like, " Yeah that's just because he's got everything in his life. Take away all his stuff and YOU'LL see what kind of a guy he is and curse you to your face." Here, Christ had to make a decision. He decided to test His well beloved servant because he loved him and had a greater plan for him. So, Job lost his 1000+ camels and sheep, etc. at the same time he got word that all his children died in a terrible accident. I love what Job does in reaction to the loss of all that he had. The bible recounts: 
"Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly." (Job 1:20-22)

In this account, we see that Job went through a lot of things, and in the end, got it back DOUBLE - even his children were doubled counting the ones he'll see in heaven. I'm SO lucky my camera wasn't stolen, or I couldn't take more pictures! But the Lord loves me and is helping me take my life in a different direction. Who knows? Maybe he'll help me get them back by communicating with all my companions - which will help me keep their relationships? Anything's possible, and the Lord knows better than I.
The theme that He knows best was made manifest this month in At-sa-jaanuary (this month combined with the Thai word for "Miracle' where all the leaders got to get together and talk about the things that are going on in the mission. In our Mission that has 34 units, there were but three places who did not see someone enter into the waters of Baptism - a miracle of 165 baptisms.

I had a part in another miracle heading back to Roi Et - another baptism happened in Maha Sarakham - the only place I never saw a baptism. I got to interview a sweet man named Sam - such a rad guy named Sam and he got baptized right after that! Such a tender mercy that the Lord allowed me to see someone get baptized in EVERY area that I served in. The sisters had a baptism too and we had 7 investigators at that baptism and that many at church too. 

However, the drama comes in where some of the missionaries in my area think we're doing things not right and taking people's investigators. The sisters called and yelled at me a bit and the Elders were cold this whole week. But President really helped as I have been filled with the Love of Christ to love them no matter if their understanding is incorrect. I love them with a greater love than I can put into words as I pray and fast to know how to help them. We're working on it and President has been so understanding.  In fact, he even let Elder Wilamas go home to Ubon Provence and vote for his country (it's a big deal here and a member was even injured in a shooting in my 1st area, I don't know who yet). Another trial was that we didn't even get to the polls in time! Another torture for me, knowing he might lose some rights and privileges as a result, but instead, we thank the Lord for the opportunity to be here in Ubon. In fact, I am sitting at HIS computer! I met his mom, Orahwan, and his little Bro who's so cool, JJ. Saw many friends here and even saw Elder Christensen interview someone for baptism here! My little boy I trained! Lol... ;) If the Lord didn't love me enough, we ran into a family who played the violin in Roi-et here in Ubon!

The Lord really IS in charge, and I feel His love as I realize He really knows the big picture and he is preparing the people I'm supposed to influence. The Lord is looking after me and loves me. I hope that when Satan comes to Him that Christ can talk about me the same way He does about Job, and promise Satan that I am immovable. As I trust in His path He takes me down, I know he will 

I also know that he is ALSO preparing the same for you and that He wants to talk you up to Satan who thinks he knows better. Luckily we have the Savior who died for us and lives again for us - a gift greater than all of Job's thousands of oxen, sheep, or cattle. I encourage all of you to ask yourself: "Where do I stand? What can Christ say about ME?" I promise that peace that the Lord gives will fill your souls as we learn that the Lord knows better than we - and will bless us more than we can ever imagine. He has with me, as these 2 years and 9 days stands and testifies clearly.
I love you all. Keep praying for Amy, Arti, Paradii and her two daughters: Ma'miaw and Muke (who is another miracle whom we have been led to). Pray to the Lord to know His will, and He'll show you wonders beyond your wildest dreams. Just be sure to hold on because it'll be quite a ride!
Elder Gibbons

Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 105 - Roi-Et T15.W4 District Conference and the "BEST" Baptism

Hello Family and Friends,

So last week you may have heard of a small conflict I had with the APs... :p
Well, happy to say everything's great. The very same day I sent my Email I got a personal phone call from President himself.  We talked about all that happened and about the trainings we had. He was so grateful for the things we were doing (he even sent us some text messages of some of the things that the other Missionaries sent him in their weekly emails earlier this week concerning the trainings).  He also helped me see that I need to keep the enthusiasm and not be discouraged when we are advised by our leaders to take a path that seems less than productive.  He shared an experience about Elder Andersen [of the Twelve Apostles] that happened while I was in the Office.  One of the days Elder Andersen was here, President shared with him some ideas that were a little more "forward thinking" in missionary work that he was thinking about implementing.  He said that Elder Andersen was calm and responded: "You know, those are some great ideas, President, but you have no authority to change Preach My Gospel."  WHAT A ZINGER!

A great lesson about how obedience is better that sacrifice. 
He also told me about the story of Saul in 1 Samuel 15. Saul is commanded to smite and destroy the Amalekites and all that they have, but he saves some animals to sacrifice.  The prophet asks him what the heck is going on and Saul explains that he didn't do what the Lord commanded because he was going to sacrifice the best of the Amalekite's herd unto the Lord instead.  Like Elder Andersen to President Senior, Samuel gives Saul a stunning response: "Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord?   Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams" (1 Sam 15:22).

After that we've been really trying to build up Roi-Et as the Zone's "Model Unit" or แม่แบบ, or as President Senior counseled us to do.  I love the word "แม่แบบ" ("mae-baeb" as in Ka'bab' from Flight of the Concords) as model because it literally translates to "mother" - "pattern or way".  I thank my แม่ (Mae or mother) for being a model for us, and as we work hard we will be like the mother unit that others can follow.  This week we worked to help Sister Best (เบส), the District President's referral, get baptized this week.  It was great seeing her soak up the gospel faster that anyone else I've seen.  Also we have been meeting a lot of youth who are being prepared (Elder Wilamas likes youth because they most likely have not had a lot of time to commit sin like a lot of our other investigators, lol...).   For instance we're teaching Sister Gift's 17-yr old male friend, Ribbon, who is just starting to open his heart to the gospel.  We're teaching Sister Rose's 17 year old friend from school named Amy who asked the greatest questions. 
"Amy, do you have sin?" Elder Wilamas asked her in our first lesson. 
"Oh I've got lots!" she laughed. 

"Would you like to have it all go away?" 
"Yeah I really would. How do I do that?" We taught about baptism and she asked what she need to wear when she is baptized.  Super cool!  She came to all of district conference (Sat and Sun session), and we're seeing her tonight for FHE.   We're also teaching Sister Jennifer, the little sister of brother Mike in our branch who asked, 

"How can you receive an answer to all of these questions in my life?"  It's kinda funny that all of the people we're working with have super-English names, but it's also funny that all of these people came from their super-great member friends, like many of you who are reading this email.

One boy we're teaching, Arti, is an 18-yr old who we met at the big park here in Roi Et called Beung Phalanchai:

Beung Phalanchai
We taught him with Sister Gift and he just poured out his life that was full of darkness.  He said he sent an offering up to the heavens if anything was sacred to ask for a way out.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord answers the prayers of His children, and he also came to District conference.  I ask you to PLEASE pray for these people: Ribbon, Amy, Jennifer, Arti, and Rangsan (our banker friend).  Please Pray for Jid, who's struggling and so close to baptism and entering into this path.

District conference was also great.  Saturday session was all about missionary work - I got to watch President and Sister Senior play a piano duet to show unity and President even showed how to invite someone to baptism off a street contact on the podium.  Sunday session was so awesome to see all my homeys from Maha Sarakham, Kalasin, Korat, and  Khon Kaen, and Roi-Et come together in one place.  I saw sister Dtaan with little King King and sister Boo from Maha Sarakham who was baptized recently.  I saw Brother Rough from Kalasin and when Sister Nui and Brother Somsak came and recognized me she gave me a hug!  (She's like 55 years old, but it was still funny and against the rules a bit...)  Sister Tom also became the District Relief Society President.  Sister Wiganda (our super tight friend who also went to eat ice cream on my 2 year mark) is in the District Young Women's Presidency.  Elder Wilamas and I received many gracious welcomes from all the members who love him and started to love me in Korat as well.  Together, we probably got about 10 pounds of food.  From Maha Sarakham, Sister Yuen gave us Masaman Curry, Sister Wiganda  gave us no-bake cookies and Sister Wright gave us each a taco salad - a rarity indeed and quite fun watching Elder Wilamas eat it for the first time.  President from Kalasin gave me these delicious Japanese Cookies.  Sister Viphaa and Sister Gob, and Sister Wannaphong (who ALSO ate Ice cream with us that day) gave us treats from Korat as well.
The "loot" they got from people who love them!  :)  (A big thanks to all of them from Joseph's mom!!)

I have been so blessed to have served in this District for so long.  In fact, in the middle of translating the Sunday Session with Elder King, I announced that I was being asked to share my testimony. I told everyone how thankful I was to have served in so many places and that my heart is spread in the three branches I served in: Maha Sarakham, Kalasin, and Roi-Et.  Some people in the Audience even shouted lightly "in Khon Kaen too!" and "and in Korat!"  I bore testimony of the work of the Lord and how we are in this church to not just learn new things but to help ourselves get ourselves to DO the things we know.  I know three things, I said.  1) Heavenly Father loves us.  2) The Book of Mormon is True.  3) Heavenly Father wants us to get back to him.  I was super grateful to have that opportunity that is a once in a life time thing on your mission.  I really have fallen in love with the Esan and I always will have a special place in my heart for the land I remember covered with seas of green rice fields, the smelling of roasting chicken and fried food on the sides of the streets, the listening to the shouts and salutes in Lao the people toss back and forth to each other, and the calypso-like beats that come from their traditional dancing performances as you're racing your bike through the narrow, shop-covered, color-covered streets.  But what I will remember most about this land are the beautiful people I interact with here. 

Baptism of Sister Best

Like I said, Sister Best was baptized!  The drama of the day happened when the Sisters got mad at us because we had two baptismal services and I wanted to take the blame and help them.  Elder Wilamas sat me down and helped me see that just because someone we love is hurt that we need to take the blame for things.   When we ate dinner that night at Sister Dog-rak's they apologized, just like Elder Wilamas said.  "People are smart, and they can think for themselves," he taught me.  "The Lord will eventually make everything right.

This week was definitely made right in many more ways than I can imagine.  I've been an official, recognized representative of God for a total of 1 year and 2 days.  [I think he meant 2 years and 2 days!!]  Mozart was born today 258 years ago; as such, we sang all seven verses of the only song in the Thai hymnbook that was written by him.  The APs tell us we have 158/200 people baptized this month - which has never happened in the history of this nation.  The Lord is hastening His work.  Speaking of which, I need to hasten out of this email.  But I need to ask you again to please pray for Ribbon, Amy, Jennifer, Arti, Rangsan, and Jid.  I ask you to please pray for your friends as well and for ways you can help them find what you have (or the path that you can too achieve). 
PS: If any of you have a friend you really want to introduce to the gospel but don't know how, just bring them to your Family Home Evening like we're doing for Amy.  Don't have one weekly?  Well have it, or bring that friend to some one you know who does.  Teach how we pray, have an opening prayer, share a scripture, eat, and tell them that you would like to do it again next week and you'll bring your two friends who teach about prayer and how to live a fun healthy life.  Who doesn't want a fun happy life?  Crazy people.  But if you're reading this email, you're most likely my friend and I don't have friends who don't want to have happy lives... Anyway try it out and see what the Lord does through YOU to bring the happiness you have to others.

I love YOU all and until February (AH! my last month!),
Elder Gibbons 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 104 - ROI-ET T15.W4

Dear Family and friends,

This Friday marks a special day. On the 25th this month, I will hit my 2 year mark of being a missionary. There's been miracles and miracles when I exercise my faith in the face of trails. My Birthday was last week, and as a present, the Lord decided to answer my prayers and give me some trials. I want to apologize for not sending out the greatest letters as of late, but this last's president's letter sums up some of the things we're been facing and the miracles we've been having in Zone Khon Kaen.  We've had some trials even with some of the leaders in the mission who have accused us of doing wrong. After addressing it to President, I said to him:

Dear President,
This week really took the wind out of our sails. Doused the fire. We got a phone call from the APs that really startled me and left me sick to my stomach for the rest of the week. During studies on Saturday we picked up the AP's phone call and got showered with many brunt and probing questions. Earlier we got a call from you, so at this point I'm trying to figure out what's going on (and at the same time trying to translate the right context in Thai - which I wasn't sure because I felt dirty or like I did something wrong from all the questions). I finally just ASKED what the heck is going on and didn't get an answer. "We've just heard things," "We've just heard things and we're concerned," I kept getting. Finally we proceeded to hear a list of several things we were doing wrong - including going to church only once this transfer, switching off too much, not calling my district leaders the right way, etc. etc. etc. Refusing to tell me by what sources this false accusations were from, and we were then rebuked of the privilege to switch-off and received a fair portion of shouting at after trying to explain why we were training. 

Yes, we got an apology before hanging up, but we've got several calls from our leadership that ask us strange questions and press down on specific goals that week, which is against the Zone Leader Handbook, isn't it?  Can the leadership call us out without talking to us and set quotas and goals for us now? Do they not know that we have had more concubines to teach and interview than I've ever seen and how many branches to balance out because they are ready to send missionaries out of their city? Do they know that we've not only trained in our districts after MLC, but returned on our District leader's request to help our super 200 goal, or know that we've met with, taught, and calmed down members who started to find and teach their own investigators? Did they ask us if we have been to church all 4 weeks here? Do they know we haven't had an unbalanced week? Do they know that our potential investigators section of our planners are full now? Do they know we are literally bleeding out of our heads and arms while dragging our bikes across the Esan on buses so we can work WITH our districts instead of just standing at the bus station until the call us a Tuk Tuk [little Thai go-karts taxis]?
President, I have sacrificed a lot of things to get this zone from 0% to where it is. Elder Wilamas has sacrificed even more in terms of fatigue and not faltered. We are not perfect, but we have done nothing but the Lord's work these past few weeks. We told our district leader in advance if we were going to be gone, and just did the work that needed to be done to achieve 200 baptisms. We received no training, so we called on the Spirit to help and He is helping. We did the work the Lord wanted us to do and had a dang good ol' blast while doing it. But after this week I've felt very alone this week because I was scared to tell you anything, fearing that you wouldn't understand because you just had the info the APs have - coming from WHERE? I don't know. I feel little trust from people now and feel that our leadership is losing trust in us.

But Faith in Jesus Christ has helped us. I need to thank you for your prayers. We really needed them this week. In a lighter note, our zone applauds District Korat with their 4 baptisms this last week. Kalasin has seen a miracle as the whole District had balanced for the first time this transfer. Elder Tirrell and his district has been working closely with the branch and seeing results. Sister Painter's and Sister Embly's time up there was like fresh water to the branch and to those missionaries.
As a matter in fact, we've recently seen miracles as we help our districts as the Holy Ghost directs us do. Kalsain Sisters just had to see what it was like to be enthusiastic about the work. That's what we have been doing with the district leaders in our zone and Elder Sanguansak and Elder Smith are progressing in Korat. I felt prompted to go to Korat to train and we were an answer to their prayers. We switched off with only Khon Kaen this transfer which helped them work more effectively, as Elder Naosuwan is sick as of late, and They are having problems getting along. In Sarakham, we had a special training and they are on fire - both the Elders and the Sisters. Our zone is getting back on its feet at last. 

Sorry this one was a little fiery, but I hope you see that I love our work and our missionaries who do it. "The assistant to the president is not any more important that any other missionary," says the missionary handbook, which we follow closely and read daily. We are trying to see how every missionary in our zone has an equal part in lifting up the weary and strengthening each other and the people they work with - members or those who are not yet members. 
Thank you President, as Elder Wilamas and I are excited to work till we drop for the next 5 weeks. He is amazing and is my strength as well. Thank you for your strength and we both love and pray for you and our assistants, fellow zone leaders, and districts. 

With Love,
Elder Gibbons

Thank you for your prayers as well. We're teaching a miracle girl "Best" who drove to church for her first time on a flat tire, and teaching a man named Rangsan who is the CEO of a major bank in the Esan. Please pray for both of them.  I share this close email because I haven't the time to re-explain this week and I feel you will feel the need to please remember Elder Wilamas and me in your prayers for at least 5 more weeks.  It's gonna be a race to the finish, all right, so thank you for your service in this regard.
I love you all, and say goodbye until next time! PS: It's still pretty cold here! Haha ;)

Love, Elder Gibbons

P.S. I want to send you the sweet email I got from Joseph's companion, Elder Wilamas, after I thanked him for sending us the cutest home-made Christmas card...

thank you very much
I love you Really like a family. Christmas cards I am very glad that you like it. Thank you pray for us helped us a lot I can feel.

Love forever
เอ็ลเดอร์ วิลามาศ :)


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week 103 - [Very short letter]

Dear family...

I love you but have 3 minutes to write any letter because I am in Maha Sarakham again. I just interviewed an investigator from Korat (Middls of Thailand) for baptism - a 13 yr old little girl named GG like the G on the mountian, haha.... But she was so ready and I was so grateful to inverview her. Another experience was with Elder Wilamas on Sunday. We had our appointment cancel on us and so we went out to this big public place called Beung Phalanchai (look it up) to talk to people. And Elder Wilamas and I had so much success there. Well, I'm out of time, but I love you and gtg [got to go]. FYI we'll train here tomorrow be in Khon Kaen and then Korat and THEN get home. Our zone is struggling. Please pray for the missionaries to be wise, be loved by the members and see miracles. We really need 200 baptisms! There are 4 AP's and crazy stuff going on in Bangkok. Pray for me please and I love you!!

Your Son Forever,

Elder Gibbons

Monday, January 6, 2014

Week 102 - (Roi-Et) MLC and our own Mission Tour

Hello everybody!

This week has been crazy but great. On new years we had Mission Leadership Council - a meeting where president rounds up his zone leaders and sister training leaders and talks about inspiration he's getting for the mission, which we in turn spread to the mission. While there, we were all truly inspired and actually well fed. Sister Senior made her "special syrup" which was buttermilk syrup (like my mom's)! After MLC, we hit up Korat, Khon Kaen, and Maha Sarakham and trained about the mission vision: 200 Baptisms! This goal has never been reached in Thailand, but this November, we had 110 - while I was rounding up statistics in the office, we were averaging about 40-50 a month. But we have been taught that in this month in January, there are 3 people per companionship who are among "The Elect." D&C 29:4-7 reads:
"Verily, I say unto you that ye are chosen out of the world to declare my gospel with the sound of rejoicing, as with the voice of a trump.  Lift up your hearts and be glad, for I am in your midst, and am your advocate with the Father; and it is his good will to give you the kingdom.  And, as it is written—Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith, being united in prayer according to my command, ye shall receive.   And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts;"

This is what are focus is on and what's happening. There are 9 people ready for us to find them this month. I think this will be the most eventful part of my mission. The Temple IS COMING. The faith of the Saints is growing, but I ask all of you to please pray for two things. One: that we will be ready for this to happen. Two, that the Thai Saints will be and that they will desire to keep the Sabbath Day holy more than ever before.
The missionaries need this excitement and I'm excited to be shouting repentance at passing cars, zooming motorcycles, on door steeps on the house tops, in the hotels...

Yeah ps, Elder Wilamas and I went with Sister Wiganda and her family from Maha Sarakham to visit their less-active father who works at a hotel in Roi Et. He was happy to see us, and then we get a referral from the HEAD HONCHO of the hotel while we were there - her dad is pretty high up in the ranks, so Sister oot, Sister Wiganda's mom, introduced us. He gave Elder Wilamas and I each 2 calendars and a huge bag of expensive coffee - he also offered us tea haha... Grateful for that. Oh and it felt SOOO good to be back in Sarakham, speaking of Sister Wiganda and her family! It was a cool feeling stepping into the bus station again. I don't know exactly why, but I loved it there. I hope I will have the same feeling in Kalasin! 
Our zone is picking up again after the scrambling around from the holidays; Roi Et is back up to 105 at church, Korat at 96 and Sarakhom at a whoppin' 63! (Yeah, that IS a lot!) Elder King the DL there is great, and they're working out helping Boo, my old investigator there, get baptized this month too!. We did some switching off with Khon Kaen and we will be helping them again this next week after we switch-off with Kalasin, as those two areas haven't had investigators come to church in a while. 

Of our 200, we have but 25 to 30 as a goal for our zone. That's 12-15% of the mission's goal. We will do all we can to fill our part, and to go above. I feel the vision of the Lord is being fulfilled. Thank you for helping with your prayers. Elder Wilamas is really helping me see a greater way to do things and I feel like I'm helping him see the faith beyond the horizon when obsticles come and find us. THere are so many which makes me excited. In Sarakham, Elder Khanakham, one of my great friends who is also the Mission President's 1st Counselor, gave a fireside where he said: 
"อุปสรรคปัญหาในชีวิต คือความเจริญ ก้าวหน้า ของเรา." 
[Obstacles, challenges in our life, are our prosperity, our progression.] 

I know it's true. And these problems that we face together will grow us... We just have to remind each other once in a while. That's why my "Next Companion" will have to be someone who reminds me to have a lot of faith!! lol ;) We had a mid-transfer switcher-upper and ended up with a Lao missionary named Elder Angkham - he's just hilarious and I know him from when I was in this zone with him back in Kalasin. He gave the greatest testimony at church and the members love him. He's also the son of the Branch President in Vientine!

So there's great things happening, great food I'm eating in the Esan (yes, I'm getting a little rounder), and miracles being seen. Elder Wilamas LOVES the dill pickle chips and flamin hots [Cheetos]. "How can white-man food like this taste so good?" he said the other day, lol!
Anyway, there's great things happen, again, so please pray for Jit to be able to divorce one of her husbands and for Teeb and the daughter Oom to feel of the truthfulness of this message. Please don't forget to pray that the missionaries and Thai saints will be ready for this to happen and that they will desire to keep the Sabbath Day holy more than ever before.

Thanks again for everything! Love!
Elder Gibbons

Here are some photos that Joseph's companion, Elder Wilamas, sent me...not sure what/who they are yet, but I will add them here anyway! 
Both wearing the matching ties I sent them for Christmas.  :)

Some of the things I sent in his Christmas package...
These were the ties I sent them in separate packages...one for them and one for their companion (whoever it was going to be!)  It is a miracle that they are together!!  :)

I recognize one of Joseph's favorite things...George Washington on top of the tree!!  Only Joseph!!  :)